Online Therapy
I offer On Line Therapy using Zoom. You can find a link to the zoom guide below. The sessions are as they would be in person but take place using the Zoom video connection.
Whilst On Line Therapy has been necessary during the pandemic, it has become an increasingly popular way to access therapy. However, there are a number of important things to remember to make sessions as effective as possible. These recommendations are based on current research in to On Line Therapy.

You will need:
- A reliable internet connection.
- A safe and secure environment for sessions to take place.
- To be on your own.
- To ask others not to disturb the sessions.
- To ensure that no-one else can hear the conversation.
- To have sessions on a lap top/PC or tablet if possible rather than on your phone simply because the screen is bigger and allows for greater non verbal communication.
- To position your device so that I can see you as much as possible.
- To have your hands free as hand gestures are an important part of communication.
- To wear a headset if possible (this can be particularly helpful during EMDR therapy).